
Dragon Latitudes: A Steampunk Dragon Fantasy Adventure

Created by Amy Campbell

Firefly meets How to Train Your Dragon and Our Flag Means Death in this high-flying fantasy epic **Due to fluctuating global shipping rates, we will be charging shipping fees at a later date.
We will keep you updated through Kickstarter Updates for when shipping fees will be applied to your pre-order. Thank you for your patience and understanding!**

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Bacerkit Issue Resolved!
about 1 year ago – Tue, Jul 11, 2023 at 02:21:34 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Backerkit Issue Resolved!
about 1 year ago – Tue, Jul 11, 2023 at 11:39:39 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Get ready for surveys!
about 1 year ago – Mon, Jul 10, 2023 at 02:29:51 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Super quick update!
about 1 year ago – Wed, Jun 28, 2023 at 02:46:48 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

We soared so high!
over 1 year ago – Fri, Jun 23, 2023 at 07:54:47 AM


Y'all, I can't begin to express my joy that you're joining me on this amazing adventure.  We made a really good effort on unlocking the Vesper chibi sticker, but fell a little short on both possible ways to for sure unlock him. But I'm going to do some number crunching and see if I can make him an early unlock. 

(If that doesn't happen, he will for sure be available as an addon when the survey is ready! The other stickers we unlocked will be there, too, in case you want to buy extras!)

But here's a quick summary of what we did unlock, because we helped our dragon hero make it to all the stretch goal islands! Woohoo!

  • Bonus prologue (in all editions)
  • Special chapter heading graphics (all editions)
  • Chibi Sticker: Elazar
  • Color artwork in the hardcover and digital editions
  • Oracle card: foil upgrade
  • Vellum inserts for hardcover (digital copies for paperback and ebook)
  • Chibi sticker: Sprocket (flash goal)
  • Wallpaper: Cailan the opal dragon (flash goal)
  • Chibi sticker: Cailan the opal dragon (flash goal)

Wow, that's a lot! 😅 Go team!

Dragon Latitudes backers unboxing their loot


Backer Hall of Fame: Please send me the name you would like to have published in the Backer Hall of Fame by 12 PM CT on Monday, June 26th. (If time zones are your bane, then this might help.) If I don't receive a name from you, I'll list your Kickstarter backer name.

You qualify for the Backer Hall of Fame if you are in the following tiers:

  • $45 Hardcover and Oracle Card
  • $80 Early Bird Hardcover & Cards
  • $85 Hardcover & Cards
  • $225 Hardcover, Goodies, & Name a Character

(I'll also send a message to those tiers after the campaign as a reminder, so if you're not sure, you'll get a message then, too.)

Name a Character backers: I will need your character names soon as well. Mostly so when I proofread the book, the name is in there already. (This makes it less likely I'll introduce new typoes after the fact.) I have a list of characters needing names, and I'll send those to you soon so you can start thinking! 

(I'll also be sending a message to the folks in this tier!)

What's next?

I'm going to Disney World!

(I've always wanted to say that, like I just won the Super Bowl or something.) But seriously, I am going there in several weeks but that was planned way before this Kickstarter. (Also, going there in summer? Send me all the good vibes, y'all. I'm too used to my air-conditioned habitat.)

Me, probably:

Our flag means death: what the hell's a vacation?

As far as this campaign, we're in a little bit of a waiting period as Kickstarter collects the funds. If your payment fails, Kickstarter will email you reminders to correct it. Unfortunately, if it's not fixed in time Kickstarter drops your pledge which means you might miss out on all the awesome! So please keep an eye out for that.

Once Kickstarter sends me the funds, I'll send out the survey from Backerkit. Some important details about Backerkit:

  •  You must answer the survey to get your rewards! I can't get them to you if you don't fill it out. The survey is how I know how much to order of each item–the sooner you fill it out, the sooner I can place orders and prepare to get these goodies to you! 
  •  Shipping: As posted in the campaign, shipping will be charged for everyone closer to the fulfillment date. With the current volatility of shipping prices, this will let me assess the most accurate amount. If you need a guesstimate of shipping sooner, you can message me (or I also have rough guesstimates in the Story portion.)

A note for Apple users: If you pledged via an iPhone, it's possible Apple is disguising your email which means I won't be able to contact you and you won't get the survey. It's part of the privacy thing they enabled a while back, and it causes problems at times like this! The main thing to know is, keep an eye on these backer updates and when the surveys go out, if you don't get one let me know!

When does the cool stuff ship out?

It's going to go in waves, depending on what it is!

  • Digital items will go out first, with the only thing not able to go out soon being Dragon Latitudes (because all those goodies listed above need to be added to the digital edition once I finish editing, proofing, and formatting it!)
  • Oracle cards - if you ordered the digital edition and Oracle card only, those will be shipping out once I have the card and physical stretch goal goodies in hand!
  • Paperbacks - They'll probably be the third wave. They're being printed in the US and I'm not having to do as much crazy stuff to them as some of the hardcovers.
  • Hardcovers - The printer I'm using is based in the UK but is trying to open a US facility. It might open in July, which would be great timing for this! But if they don't, it takes about 3 weeks for the UK books to get to the US. (And I need to order a proof copy before I order dozens and dozens of the real deal!) Factor in a little more time if you got sprayed edges. So there will be some waiting involved, but it will be worth it!

And never fear, all along the way I'll keep you updated so you know what's going on!

Once again, thank you for venturing into Dragon Latitudes with me!


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